Library Liaisons

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Liaison Program of Trexler Library: Role Description

The Liaison Program of Trexler Library promotes communication among Trexler Library, academic departments, and interdisciplinary programs.

Librarian Liaisons (LL)

The librarian liaison (LL) serves as a key contact to an academic department or an interdisciplinary program. It is the LL's responsibility to help departmental liaisons (DLs) and interdisciplinary program liaisons (IPLs) manage their collection development responsibilities by recommending titles for purchase, managing purchase requests, systematically reviewing the collection, and making recommendations for deselection. It is also the LL’s responsibility to share updates with DLs and IPLs regarding, for example, specialized tools, new resources, procedures, and changes in the library.

When reviewing requests submitted to the library, the LL will follow the collection development policy and guidelines before sending the request for purchase. In the event that there is a concern, the LL, in consultation with the Head of Collection Resource Management, will work with the DL or IPL to ascertain needs and determine what other appropriate options are available.

Departmental Liaisons (DL)

Each academic department is represented by a faculty member who serves as departmental liaison (DL). The DL is the library’s main contact for the department regarding collection development and request concerns, general library issues and communications, collection management projects, and questions that may arise regarding any library issues. It is the responsibility of the DL to manage the department's allocation fund and to serve as the department’s internal coordinator regarding the selection of items to be purchased with the fund. The DL is asked to share relevant information with colleagues regarding library resources, services, updates, etc. The DL is asked to attend approximately one to two library liaison meetings per academic year.

In order to best fulfill acquisitions responsibilities, it is important to consider these issues when requesting items and reviewing your colleagues’ requests:

  • A departmental allocation supports the disciplinary programs wholly associated with that department. For example, all requests for sociology and anthropology resources should be submitted to the sociology and anthropology DL in order to be funded by the departmental allocation. The allocation formula credits all SOC and ATH courses to the sociology and anthropology departmental allocation.
  • Departmental requests must be approved by the DL and the LL before the order is placed.
  • Fifty percent (50%) of departmental allocation must be spent on purchasing books. The remaining 50% may be used on any one-time purchases (e.g., books/ebooks, DVDs, data sets, etc.).
  • Liaisons are expected to review and approve acquisitions requests in accordance with the Collection Development Policy and Guidelines.
  • Faculty who wish to recommend subscriptions should communicate with their LL about their interests. See below for more information.

Interdisciplinary Program Liaisons (IPL)

Each interdisciplinary program is represented by a faculty member who serves as interdisciplinary program liaison (IPL). The IPL is the library’s main contact for the program regarding collection development and request concerns, general library issues and communications, collection management projects, and questions that may arise regarding any library issues. It is the responsibility of the IPL to serve as the internal program coordinator regarding the selection of items to be purchased. The IPL is asked to share relevant information with colleagues regarding library resources, services, updates, etc. The IPL is asked to attend approximately one to two library liaison meetings per academic year.

In order to best fulfill acquisitions responsibilities, it is important to consider these issues when requesting items and reviewing your colleagues’ requests:

  • The allocation for interdisciplinary programs supports courses assigned interdisciplinary program course prefixes, as well as core materials for each program. For example, all requests for women’s and gender studies resources should be submitted to the women’s and gender studies IPL in order to be funded by the interdisciplinary programs allocation. The allocation formula credits all WST courses to the interdisciplinary programs allocation.
  • Interdisciplinary program requests must be approved by the IPL and the LL before the order is placed.
  • Liaisons are expected to review and approve acquisitions requests in accordance with the Collection Development Policy and Guidelines.
  • Faculty who wish to recommend subscriptions should communicate with their LL about their interests. See below for more information.

Other Information for All Liaisons

Additional information about funds and requesting procedures for all types of library resources, including subscriptions, is available in the Guide to Requesting Library Materials or contact your librarian liaison.

Library Liaisons: Departmental/Librarian Liaisons

DepartmentDepartmental LiaisonLibrarian Liaison
Accounting, Business, Economics, & Finance Roland Kushner Kelly Cannon
Art Emily Orzech Kelly Cannon
Biology Deb Walther Rachel Hamelers
Chemistry Kate Herrera Rachel Hamelers
Education Kim Rohrbach Jess Denke
English Francesca Coppa Kelly Cannon
Graduate and Continuing Education   Tim Clarke
History Cathy Ouellette Kelly Cannon
Languages, Literatures & Cultures Erika Sutherland Kelly Cannon
Mathematics & Computer Science Allison Davidson Rachel Hamelers
Media & Communication   Jess Denke
Music Kassandra Hartford Kelly Cannon
Neuroscience Matthieu de Wit Rachel Hamelers
Philosophy Tad Robinson Kelly Cannon
Physics Brett Fadem Rachel Hamelers
Political Science Ross Dardani Jess Denke
Psychology Mark Sciutto Jess Denke
Religion Studies Sharon Albert Kelly Cannon
Sociology & Anthropology Ben Carter Jess Denke
Theatre & Dance Holly Cate Kelly Cannon


Library Liaisons: Interdisciplinary Program/Librarian Liaisons

Interdisciplinary programs share an allocation for books and other one-time purchases. Penny Lochner is the librarian liaison for the interdisciplinary program allocation. Requests for interdisciplinary resources should be submitted to Penny.
Interdisciplinary ProgramInterdisciplinary Program Liaison
Africana Studies Emanuela Kucik
American Studies Chris Borick
Asian Studies Irene Chien
Biochemistry Amy Hark
Environmental Science Karen Tuerk
Film Studies Amy Corbin
German Studies Erika Sutherland
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Greg Heller-LaBelle
International Studies Janine Chi
Jewish Studies Sharon Albert
Latin American & Caribbean Studies Erika Sutherland
Philosophy / Political Thought Jack Gambino
Physical Science Brett Fadem
Political Economy & Public Policy Janine Chi
Public Health Kathleen Bachynski
Russian Studies Erika Sutherland
Sustainability Studies Rich Niesenbaum
Women’s & Gender Studies Francesca Coppa

Reviewed 2022