Class Visits
Special Collections & College Archives welcomes the opportunity to partner with faculty members to use our materials to enhance the undergraduate learning experience. Engagement with primary source material inspires original scholarship, enhances critical thinking skills, and provides a unique opportunity to deepen students’ knowledge and appreciation of a subject. Whether for a one-time classroom session or a semester-long collaboration, we would be happy to discuss areas in which our collections can intersect with your course material.
Recent Examples
In recent semesters, we have partnered with faculty in History, Religion, Media & Communication, Art, Anthropology, and others to engage students with primary source material.
- HST 221: Colonial America
- HST 285: History of the American West
- COM 231: Documentary Research
- FYS 149: The Power of Maps
- HST 330 & ARS 111: Paper & Ink: Art & History of the Book
- PBH 284: AIDS and HIV in the Lehigh Valley: Gathering Information on an Outbreak